
Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Grow Your Fan Base 600% Faster For Free

“How can we grow our fan base faster?”
This is one of the most common questions we get at ReverbNation.  It’s also one of the easiest ones to answer — although I usually pause for effect before answering.
Try giving away free downloads of one of your songs in exchange for the fan’s email address and permission to contact them.
We’ve observed tens of thousands of Artists using this technique (and helped many of them do it with our tools), and the results are quite stunning.  In 2008, we studied two similar groups of artists – one group was using the technique and one group was not.  The group using this method was growing their fan relationships an average of 600% faster than those who were not.We will use "Scotty And The Reverbs" as Our example.
Picture 2 Picture 3
Many Artists struggle with the thought of giving away a good song without getting money in return.  It’s totally understandable.  A song is an extremely personal product for most musicians, requiring great effort and emotional investment to give it life.  The thought of giving it away can be just, well, heart-wrenching.  But ask yourself a question – would you rather trade your song for a dollar, or for the start of a RELATIONSHIP with a fan?
Consider the fact that the average fan will remain on your mailing list for over 3 years.
In that time you might release 3 albums, play over 100 shows, and offer up dozens of music and merch items for sale.  If that fan buys just 1 ticket, 1 album, or 1 t-shirt in that time, it was a good deal for you.  If they share your music with 5 friends or drag 5 people to your show, it was a great deal.  And imagine how many opportunities they will have to share your music with friends when they remain on your mailing list for 3 years.  If you send out just 2 emails per month, they will receive 72 communications from you.
Now, I’m not trying to suggest that simply getting people onto your mailing list will equal success.  You will still be responsible for creating a compelling product and for treating your fans right.  But, if $1 is the cost for starting a relationship with a fan, I urge all Artists to at least try it out. I suspect you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
As you might have guessed, ReverbNation offers you a great tool for growing your fanbase in this way.  It’s called the Fan Exclusive song.  When you upload or edit one of your songs on ReverbNation you can choose the “fan exclusive” option.   Doing so will automatically kick into gear a mechanism where we will begin to help you trade this song for email addresses.  Your ReverbNation page, your widgets,  and your MyBand app on Facebook (powered by ReverbNation) will all display your song for play as usual. But when a fan plays the song, they will be automatically be prompted to join your mailing list in order to get the download. Read about all of the tools after the jump.

In addition, we offer up a specific widget for trading your song for an email that can be placed on your social sites, your homepage, or blog.  It’s called the Fan Exclusive widget, and it’s in your ReverbNation widgets palette as soon as you make one of your songs a Fan Exclusive.


In order to set up the Fan Exclusive feature, start by uploading a song to your ReverbNation account (Control Room >> Profile Tab >> Songs and Videos >> Upload Song), or click ‘edit’ next to an existing song.  You will be presented immediately with a dialog box. Choose one of the two Fan Exclusive options, depending on whether or not you want to make it stream only, or make the full download available as well:
Song Upload Box


Now that your song has been properly set up, you will need to know how to best promote it to existing fans.   You have lots of options, from embedding widgets or banners, to embedding links or sending out links via email to fans.
1.  Embed a Tunewidget
The Tunewidget is one of two widgets that support the fan exclusive feature. With Tunewidget, the user never leaves the page they’re on (MySpace page, blog, homepage, etc) until after they have provided their contact information. When the Fan goes to play the song, they’re presented with the 30-second sample and told that the song is a Fan Exclusive:
    Fan Exclusive Prompt
    After the fan enters their information, we verify the email and unlock the stream or download for them:
    Information from Fan

    2.  Embed a Fan Exclusive Widget
    This widget is designed specifically to give away fan exclusive downloads.  It doesn’t play music at all, but it does collect emails very efficiently.  It is also considerably smaller than the Tunewidget and designed to fit nicely into the smaller columns of blogs.
    Before clicking:
    Picture 2
    After clicking:
    Picture 3

    3. Using Links
    Sometimes you need a link instead of an embeddable widget. Perhaps you want to put the link in a blog post, on a Facebook page, or send it via e-mail or on Twitter — places that aren’t great for Flash-based widgets. Links are easy to grab by going to the My Links section of your control room (Control Room >> My Profile >> My Links).  Here you will find a link for the TuneWidget and for the Fan Exclusive widget.  Each link will pop up a page that not only delivers the widget, but allow the fan to easily post it to their own pages and help drive new fans to your mailing list.Example of a direct link for the Tunewidget: http://www.reverbnation.com/controller/widget_code/tune_widget_popup/artist_149
    4.  Using Banners
    When you elect to make a song a Fan Exclusive, ReverbNation will automatically generate a web-ready banner that you can place immediately on all of your other web pages. It looks like this
    So, what are you waiting for?  Go get those fans!
Widgets are easy to use if you know how to copy and paste a chunk of HTML code into your website or social media profiles.
If not, it’s easy to figure out.
The thing you do NOT want to do is place too many widgets across the web.
Reverb’s analytics are very smart and if you have 100 widgets scattered across many sites but are receiving no plays, no new fans, or no e-mail list signups your Equity and Rank will begin dropping…drastically.
If you create an account but never do anything with it, your stats will be flat-lining at 0.

Maintain your presence on Myspace and Facebook

If you are taking full advantage of Social Media, you have probably figured out you need to have a presence on all the major social networks (Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, Facebook).  It is also important to have a presence on smaller sites as well as actively trying to get your music featured by music bloggers.
ReverbNation allows you to connect your Facebook Page and Myspace profile with your RN account.
When computing your Band Equity and Chart Ranking, Reverb’s algorithms include your Facebook Likes and Myspace Fans.
With that said, it is important you spend at least 30 minutes a few times each week building your networks on those sites as well.
Obviously the more time you spend engaging with your Social Media presence, the better results you will see.
As a side note, there is an excellent Facebook App that provides a beautiful landing page.

Bonus Tips

You also need to keep in mind that Labels, Venues, and Management companies are creating profiles on ReverbNation as part of their Social Media marketing strategies.
This is important because it gives you direct access to Venues and other Music Industry contacts.
Imagine booking a small tour within 200 miles of your hometown without having to leave your bedroom or office.
It’s amazing what you can do with some contact information, a few e-mails, and a couple of phone calls.
Before closing this article, I want to mention that Reverb also offers excellent e-mail management, website building, and digital distribution services for very affordable prices. You can even create your own store which includes the ability to design and sell merchandise to your fans.
Consider ReverbNation your all encompassing control panel to building your Internet Presence, marketing your music, and building a successful and independent music career.
Until next time, may the force be with you.

Read more at http://www.midtnmusic.com/3-ways-to-increase-your-chart-rank-on-reverbnation/#sRw5AEDe3wDoi0At.99
Widgets are easy to use if you know how to copy and paste a chunk of HTML code into your website or social media profiles.
If not, it’s easy to figure out.
The thing you do NOT want to do is place too many widgets across the web.
Reverb’s analytics are very smart and if you have 100 widgets scattered across many sites but are receiving no plays, no new fans, or no e-mail list signups your Equity and Rank will begin dropping…drastically.
If you create an account but never do anything with it, your stats will be flat-lining at 0.

Maintain your presence on Myspace and Facebook

If you are taking full advantage of Social Media, you have probably figured out you need to have a presence on all the major social networks (Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, Facebook).  It is also important to have a presence on smaller sites as well as actively trying to get your music featured by music bloggers.
ReverbNation allows you to connect your Facebook Page and Myspace profile with your RN account.
When computing your Band Equity and Chart Ranking, Reverb’s algorithms include your Facebook Likes and Myspace Fans.
With that said, it is important you spend at least 30 minutes a few times each week building your networks on those sites as well.
Obviously the more time you spend engaging with your Social Media presence, the better results you will see.
As a side note, there is an excellent Facebook App that provides a beautiful landing page.

Bonus Tips

You also need to keep in mind that Labels, Venues, and Management companies are creating profiles on ReverbNation as part of their Social Media marketing strategies.
This is important because it gives you direct access to Venues and other Music Industry contacts.
Imagine booking a small tour within 200 miles of your hometown without having to leave your bedroom or office.
It’s amazing what you can do with some contact information, a few e-mails, and a couple of phone calls.
Before closing this article, I want to mention that Reverb also offers excellent e-mail management, website building, and digital distribution services for very affordable prices. You can even create your own store which includes the ability to design and sell merchandise to your fans.
Consider ReverbNation your all encompassing control panel to building your Internet Presence, marketing your music, and building a successful and independent music career.
Until next time, may the force be with you.

Read more at http://www.midtnmusic.com/3-ways-to-increase-your-chart-rank-on-reverbnation/#sRw5AEDe3wDoi0At.99
Widgets are easy to use if you know how to copy and paste a chunk of HTML code into your website or social media profiles.
If not, it’s easy to figure out.
The thing you do NOT want to do is place too many widgets across the web.
Reverb’s analytics are very smart and if you have 100 widgets scattered across many sites but are receiving no plays, no new fans, or no e-mail list signups your Equity and Rank will begin dropping…drastically.
If you create an account but never do anything with it, your stats will be flat-lining at 0.

Maintain your presence on Myspace and Facebook

If you are taking full advantage of Social Media, you have probably figured out you need to have a presence on all the major social networks (Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, Facebook).  It is also important to have a presence on smaller sites as well as actively trying to get your music featured by music bloggers.
ReverbNation allows you to connect your Facebook Page and Myspace profile with your RN account.
When computing your Band Equity and Chart Ranking, Reverb’s algorithms include your Facebook Likes and Myspace Fans.
With that said, it is important you spend at least 30 minutes a few times each week building your networks on those sites as well.
Obviously the more time you spend engaging with your Social Media presence, the better results you will see.
As a side note, there is an excellent Facebook App that provides a beautiful landing page.

Bonus Tips

You also need to keep in mind that Labels, Venues, and Management companies are creating profiles on ReverbNation as part of their Social Media marketing strategies.
This is important because it gives you direct access to Venues and other Music Industry contacts.
Imagine booking a small tour within 200 miles of your hometown without having to leave your bedroom or office.
It’s amazing what you can do with some contact information, a few e-mails, and a couple of phone calls.
Before closing this article, I want to mention that Reverb also offers excellent e-mail management, website building, and digital distribution services for very affordable prices. You can even create your own store which includes the ability to design and sell merchandise to your fans.
Consider ReverbNation your all encompassing control panel to building your Internet Presence, marketing your music, and building a successful and independent music career.
Until next time, may the force be with you.

Read more at http://www.midtnmusic.com/3-ways-to-increase-your-chart-rank-on-reverbnation/#sRw5AEDe3wDoi0At.99

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